Welcome back!!
Tonight it became abuntly clear... "Variables Thinking" is here to stay.
Not only does it respond to the insanity of our time .... I mean what the hell is going on??? But it creates a very sane and simple way forward.
Lately I've been too immmersed in the day to day tasks of teaching design and painting to teenagers (#1 variable = time) to give energy to this Blog. In this immersion I have found this moment though. This time to put index finger to iphone keyboard, to put mind to message, to filter somewhat the outrageous thump and agressive sound from the high school dance which I chaperone... To share my certainty that to "identify key variables" is indeed the essential skill set of our future leaders.
For if we do not create future thinkers and leaders who can make sense of our wild world, and lead the way to rational & creative solutions... Well then... We may as well be stuck, trapped like a young child thinking they can tie their own shoelace but secretly knowing they do not have the skills to do so. Looking to that caregiver with longing yet determination... it seems the equivelant of the Emperor with no clothes.
What is the role of the teacher? I believe it is to save the world. One future thinker at a time.